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My team on the first day of working with our ministry!


We have been in Cambodia for two weeks now and it is such an amazing location. To get around we ride tuk tuks, buying things is more often bartering, and the language barriers and accents can sometimes lead to miss understandings. However the people are really kind and very grateful for the help we bring.

During our stay at cambodia my team is working at PCL learning center (People for Care and Learning). We are teachers Assistants teaching English. This is a unique opportunity to help build up the community of Siem Reap. Siem Reap is a high tourist location so knowing English is very valuable for Cambodians in this area, especially as combadia is becoming more westernized. Wprking with students in this way (even though we arent directly sharing the gospel with them in class) creates gateways to invite the students to the church services PCL holds. There are times where it is difficult to see how it is building the Kingdom of God. But I know God is working and our job here is to support the ministry that is already in place. In the next couple of week, school will have a week off and we will get the opportunity to work with another ministry at a couple villages!

Praise the LORD my luggage arrived yesterday, thank you for praying!

In this season of our ministry please be praying for our team to have the eyes to see the way the lord wants us to go above and beyond to serve the ministry.


4 responses to “Navigating cultural differences”

  1. Always great to hear your updates about what God is doing through you! And HOORAY!!!!! Your luggage arrived!

  2. So glad to hear your luggage arrived! And rejoicing even more for your report. Miss you and praying for you!

  3. He LogAn, good to hear you got your luggage. Jut know that you make an impact wherever you go, especially with the little one. Micah still asks about you, what you are doing, where you are, when you are coming to visit… Remember my friend, be where your feet are and don’t dwell on mistakes. That’s how we learn. Take care. Don’t eat any bugs.

Logan Clark

Hello! Welcome to my World Race page. I am very excited to be sharing with you the path God is leading me on. I have been involved in ministry for many years now and I am pursuing full time ministry as a career. Right now however is the perfect time for me to grow in my faith and experience. I am blessed with the opportunity to go and make disciples in Jesus\\\\\\\' name across the globe! So I can keep in contact with you on this journey I have links that lead to a blog and social media pages where I will be posting all about my trip! Enjoy and thank you! Instagram: loganclark_llfc Gmail: [email protected]